Saturday, December 17, 2011

Project for Awesome

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao-tzu, The way of Lao-tzu

            Before you can accomplish anything, you have to take the first step. In a world full of problems, and a million causes to get behind, it may be hard to take that first step.  One of my biggest dreams is to make a difference in the world today. Here are my steps on how to get behind the some of my top charities that make the world better.

1.    World Vision- World Vision is a charity that helps change communities across the world, by helping the poor in the world. You can help be sponsoring a child, or donating your money at

2.    Child’s Play- This is a cool one, Child’s Play is a charity that donates video games to hospitals across the WORLD. By going to, you can donate to individual hospitals that can bring joy to children suffering from life threatening diseases.

3.    The Trevor Project- The Trevor Project is one of my favorite charities. The Trevor Project is a suicide prevention hotline for LGBT Youth, and the creative minds behind the It Gets Better Project. You can donate at or make take the pledge at

4.    Volunteer Match- Volunteer Match is a website that brings you volunteer opportunities near you. If you can’t afford to donate this is a great way to start helping out. You can find more information at

5.    tab for a cause- tab for a cause is an easy way to donate to charity by searching the web. How it works is that every time you open a new tab. You can participate by going to

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